Friday, June 17, 2016

First Anniversary of Mother Emmanuel AME Massacre. God Bless Charleston

One year ago today, a hate monger, a representative of evil, a maggot of a human being walked in to Mother Emmanuel AME Church, attended their bible study and then open fired on them killing nine. This man still lives. When caught, he said he was trying to start a race war. I will never forget the pain and devastation most of our community felt. I can never forget the horror and sickness of this senseless action. What the gunman didn't expect was Charleston and it's people rising up in support of our slain neighbors and Mother Emmanuel Church. So much love poured out of the people in our community, our state and the world. If hate lies in the river of life and the dark clouds of despair and agony, our citizens became the rainbow that spanned the dark waters and built up the bridge with love and brotherhood. God Bless our city and our people. We choose to live in love. - Diane Holmes Mott

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