Thursday, October 22, 2015

BrewsterWarriors: Women Who Love Beer 10/22/2015 Blog #1 Love or Hate It, Beer that is.

Welcome to Brewster Warriors! A beer drinking blog for women and their beer loving friends, whoever they may be. My name is Diane and I hope to make this an avenue for you, my reader to discover more about one of my favorite fermented beverages, Beer!
  I have to admit, I have had a long term love/hate relationship with this frosty, foamy, multi-personality beverage. I would drink beer with friends because it was the social thing to do. It had to be cold though. Icy cold in a frosty glass and if I could have a slice of lime or lemon or orange, something citrus to take the bite off, it was palatable. Sometimes I would mix it with juice or soda, also known as a radler. But if there was wine or a margarita offered, I would rather choose that. While in college as an older returning student, I discovered Spaten Doppelbock. It was a type of German beer, a bock beer. I had never tasted a beer that was dark and I found I preferred it. I drank that for awhile when I could afford it. I tried porters. Those were really good. Then I tried stouts. I liked those even better. I drank beer mainly because it was inexpensive and most people would drink it. After college, I drank mainly wine and martinis.
  Fast forward fifteen years and I had the opportunity to travel to Homburg, Germany with my husband Tim. He was over there working. Across the street from our hotel was a little restaurant called Homburger Brauhaus which brewed their own beer. It was a Heffeweisen which is a golden colored beer brewed from wheat with a rich smooth mouth feel and a sweet lemony flavor. I knew nothing about beer but I really loved this.
  I spent a couple of  days wandering the town by myself until he returned from work and then we would gather with his colleagues and their families across the street. I remember wondering where the polka style music I associated with Germany was. They played British and American Rock. After they stopped laughing, they told me that was mainly for festivals. We traveled to Bamberg where we tried Smoked Beer and Nuremberg for other tastings at different breweries. I discovered that there were so many different types of beer and many were great slightly chilled or at room temperature. Everything about beer was different and delicious. Coming back to the United States was now an adventure in trying to find beers that were like the ones I had in Germany. So I'd like to share with you what I have learned as I explore small breweries and as I brew my own beer. Thank you for joining me. I hope you will enjoy it.

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