Thursday, October 22, 2015

BrewWarriors:Women Who Love Beer Blog #2 A Bit About Beer/ ABV is Alcohol By Volume 10/2015

Brewster Warriors: Women Who Love Beer Blog #2
My name is Diane, I live in the Charleston, SC area  and I love beer! This is a blog to introduce women and their beer drinking partners to sampling craft beer, brewing craft beer, visiting craft breweries and venues for enjoying this delicious substance. This is not meant to be a review of any establishment that makes, brews or sells beer.   Rather, it is a road of information  for women to get the most out of their experience. By no means do I pretend to know everything about beer. I would like to include you in my discovery of family friendly, women friendly places to go. I have never experienced a culture quite like this. It is a subculture  phenomenon.

  I am a home brewer along with my husband Tim. We belong to a home brew club in the Charleston, SC area called Low Country Libations. These lovely people know more than I may ever about the Art of Brewing.

In addition, I also brew with an organization called Brewsters. We are a group of women who brew at different local craft breweries for charity. We learn about the process while giving back to our community.

Historically, women brewed beer for their families.  They were the brewers! It was a way to make water safe to drink. It had very low alcohol content also called session beer. The ABV is the alcohol by volume  content so for example, a 5% ABV would usually be an average alcohol content for a can of beer today. When you drink something like Bud or Coors, you will usually see an ABV around 5%. Most women can usually drink a couple of these depending on their tolerance. if you find a beer that says 10% ABV, you will know that this one beer has the potency of drinking two beers. so check your ABV if you don't want to get too drunk and remember not to drink and drive.

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