Friday, August 26, 2016

8/21/2016 Brewster Brew at Tradesman Brewery

Lots of fun Sunday with my Brewster sisters. Scott, the co owner and head brewer and our fearless Brewster Leader/VP of Tradesman/brewing instructor Sara Gayle guided us on a beautiful stout. This one will be dark, rich and creamy.  Unfortunately, I had to leave as they were transferring to the fermenter but I did have a chance to enjoy a great beer and delicious pizza.

I would like to mention that they have grown to a 30 barrel system.  I can't begin to tell you how happy I feel for them. You need to go to Tradesman on your next trip to Charleston. They have award winning beers on tap.

The next Brewster event will be Sunday August 28 at Palmetto Brewery in Charleston. Ladies, come brew with us at 7 am.

Tanael is a brewer at Charleston's Palmetto Brewery. We will be having a Brewster event at Palmetto Brewery August 26 at 7 am.  She worked for Brewery Polar in Venezuela before moving to Colorado in 2015. There she became a consultant traveling the U.S. and  Palmetto Brewery was originally a client. They offered her a position and she accepted. Living in Charleston for about five months, she loves brewing and developing new recipes.  Besides drinking beer, she also enjoys beach volleyball and sports in general.

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