Thursday, August 25, 2016

8/14/2016 Brewster Club at Frothy

Although it may be difficult to get out of bed early on the weekend, as soon as I  arrive at the brewery I get excited. I enjoy seeing the returning brewers and there are always new ones curious to see what we're doing. We recently brewed at Frothy Beard. The new brew is a golden ale with turmeric and cinnamon.  I know you're probably thinking  it's going to be terrible. I do that every time we brew something I haven't thought of making like apple beer or key lime pie beer. I never thought I was a fruity beer drinker but when the beers are done and I go back to try it and there's never been a time I haven't liked it. So if you think you might be interested in joining us for a women's brew day, look up Brewster on Facebook. Sara Gayle and Macey, the founders of The Brewster Brewing Club do a wonderful job of keeping us posted on their events. I know I have a new appreciation of the work and dedication that goes in to the beer I drink.

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