Friday, August 26, 2016

8/21/2016 Brewster Brew at Tradesman Brewery

Lots of fun Sunday with my Brewster sisters. Scott, the co owner and head brewer and our fearless Brewster Leader/VP of Tradesman/brewing instructor Sara Gayle guided us on a beautiful stout. This one will be dark, rich and creamy.  Unfortunately, I had to leave as they were transferring to the fermenter but I did have a chance to enjoy a great beer and delicious pizza.

I would like to mention that they have grown to a 30 barrel system.  I can't begin to tell you how happy I feel for them. You need to go to Tradesman on your next trip to Charleston. They have award winning beers on tap.

The next Brewster event will be Sunday August 28 at Palmetto Brewery in Charleston. Ladies, come brew with us at 7 am.

Tanael is a brewer at Charleston's Palmetto Brewery. We will be having a Brewster event at Palmetto Brewery August 26 at 7 am.  She worked for Brewery Polar in Venezuela before moving to Colorado in 2015. There she became a consultant traveling the U.S. and  Palmetto Brewery was originally a client. They offered her a position and she accepted. Living in Charleston for about five months, she loves brewing and developing new recipes.  Besides drinking beer, she also enjoys beach volleyball and sports in general.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

8/14/2016 Brewster Club at Frothy

Although it may be difficult to get out of bed early on the weekend, as soon as I  arrive at the brewery I get excited. I enjoy seeing the returning brewers and there are always new ones curious to see what we're doing. We recently brewed at Frothy Beard. The new brew is a golden ale with turmeric and cinnamon.  I know you're probably thinking  it's going to be terrible. I do that every time we brew something I haven't thought of making like apple beer or key lime pie beer. I never thought I was a fruity beer drinker but when the beers are done and I go back to try it and there's never been a time I haven't liked it. So if you think you might be interested in joining us for a women's brew day, look up Brewster on Facebook. Sara Gayle and Macey, the founders of The Brewster Brewing Club do a wonderful job of keeping us posted on their events. I know I have a new appreciation of the work and dedication that goes in to the beer I drink.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Another Successful Brewster Weekend

I had such a blast this weekend. Saturday I ended up going to Cooper River Brewing in Charleston for their first Brewster Brew Day. We had 5 women  ready to brew a Watermelon Wheat. This was such a fun experience. Mark, head brewer and  very knowledgeable teacher led us through the mashing as we stirred the grains.
                      Mark , head brewer opening up the grain and filling the mashtun.
                                       Kris, stirring the grain in the hot water.
                           That's me stirring.

I need to start lifting weights. We took turns stirring to make sure all the grain was good and wet for mashing. That was a lot of stirring. My arms felt like jelly. So basically, we added very hot water to the grain and then let it steep like tea to draw the sugars out(mash)for about an hour. Then we took the wort(liquid from the mash)and poured it back over the grains. We drained the wort into the boil kettle and then sparged (poured hot water over the grain)to rinse the remaining sugars and to add enough liquid for the hour long boil. While the boil was going, we shoveled out the spent grains for a local farmer who will use it to feed his pigs and cows. You can also use the spent grains in your composter or garden so nothing needs to be wasted.

           Katie, our Cooper River Brewing host and brewer shovels with a smile.
             Local farmers brought their trailer to pick up the grain.
                                                       Testing some fermenting beer.
                                                Brewster Club at the Cooper River Brewery.
We had a successful Brewster Brew and we'll be going back in a couple of weeks to add the watermelon for our Watermelon Wheat beer. I can't thank Mark and the other guys enough for letting us come in and brew with them and sample their beer. It was new for me to brew on larger equipment. We even sanitized tanks. Each brewery is different  and the beer we make is not the usual beer that they make so you have a new experience each time. And you will have a chance to enjoy all the Brewster beers at Craftmans Kitchen during Charleston Beer Week.

Friday, August 12, 2016

More Brewster Brewing in Charleston

Heads up ladies! Saturday August 13, the Brewster's Brew Club will be making some great beer at Cooper River Brewing in Downtown Charleston and also at Fat Pig Brewing at Tradesman Brewing , 1629 Tatum St Charleston on James Island. If you can't make that, we will be brewing Sunday morning, the 14th at Frothy Beard Brewery at 7358 Peppermill Pkwy in North Charleston. All brewing starts at 8 am. If you want, bring some snacks and a beer to share to brew club.
Then on the 21st of August, please join us at Tradesman Brewing at the address above for another brew session. Tradesman earned several medals for their beer including one for a Brewster brew called, "Don't Monk with Us."

So please join us for this great charity event. Every pint sold gives back one dollar to a charity of the club's choice.