Monday, May 16, 2016

Charleston Beer Garden Event May 14, 2016 Benifiiting Low Country Aids Services

This was a fun beer weekend! We attended the Charleston Beer Garden Event to benefit Low Country Aids Services on Saturday. First, we bee-lined it for the home brewer's area. Our friends and fellow Lowcountry Libations members Kris and Dan Stoddard were there serving up Kris's tasty pale ales. She brewed the same base recipe but added citra hops to one batch and mosaic hops to the other. I was seriously impressed with her beer. The event limits each home brewer to  60 12 ounce bottles so it goes fast. If you attend this event next year at Patriots Point and you want to try some creative and unusual beers not available to the public, get there early because the home brewers were out of beer by 1:30.

                                            Kris and Dan Stoddard brewed for aids benefit.
                       Beer Engineer's Brew Store Owner Kevin Drinkwater and bride
                          with an excellent Black IPA at the home brew area.
                      The Beer Can Professor, along with some beer loving women enjoying home brew.
                                         Me with The Beer Can Professor (Home Brew Judge)
                                        Girl's Pint Out Members enjoying a pint.

                                        Chris and Deb Wessel from Low Country Libations

                          Playing beer trivia. I had eleven correct before I tanked, tying for first.

                                             My husband Tim with friends Kris and Dan

Charleston area craft brewery sponsors Tradesman, Frothy Beard, Cooper River, Holy City and Palmetto offered up a fantastic selection of delicious beer. Other sponsors were Hi-Wire, Lagunitas, Oskar Blues, Sierra Nevada, Angry Orchard, Terrapin, Sweetwater and more. The event also had local food trucks

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