Monday, May 16, 2016

Brewster's Brewing Session at Frothy Beard May 15, 2016

Brewing with The Brewster Club in Charleston is always a great time! I stayed up way too late Saturday so it was hard to get up but I did and I'm so glad. Macey Walter from Frothy Beard and Sarah Gayle McConnell from Tradesman Brewing started this club so women who are interested in brewing beer can see what it's like. We had a great turnout and our new beer, Summer Summer Summerlime was born. A dollar from each beer sold will go towards a local women's charity.
Tradesman's Brewster Brew day will be on May 22 at 8 am. Thank you to Head Brewmaster Joey S. for hosting us.and giving up your Sunday. Thank you Macey for this wonderful opportunity.

Charleston Beer Garden Event May 14, 2016 Benifiiting Low Country Aids Services

This was a fun beer weekend! We attended the Charleston Beer Garden Event to benefit Low Country Aids Services on Saturday. First, we bee-lined it for the home brewer's area. Our friends and fellow Lowcountry Libations members Kris and Dan Stoddard were there serving up Kris's tasty pale ales. She brewed the same base recipe but added citra hops to one batch and mosaic hops to the other. I was seriously impressed with her beer. The event limits each home brewer to  60 12 ounce bottles so it goes fast. If you attend this event next year at Patriots Point and you want to try some creative and unusual beers not available to the public, get there early because the home brewers were out of beer by 1:30.

                                            Kris and Dan Stoddard brewed for aids benefit.
                       Beer Engineer's Brew Store Owner Kevin Drinkwater and bride
                          with an excellent Black IPA at the home brew area.
                      The Beer Can Professor, along with some beer loving women enjoying home brew.
                                         Me with The Beer Can Professor (Home Brew Judge)
                                        Girl's Pint Out Members enjoying a pint.

                                        Chris and Deb Wessel from Low Country Libations

                          Playing beer trivia. I had eleven correct before I tanked, tying for first.

                                             My husband Tim with friends Kris and Dan

Charleston area craft brewery sponsors Tradesman, Frothy Beard, Cooper River, Holy City and Palmetto offered up a fantastic selection of delicious beer. Other sponsors were Hi-Wire, Lagunitas, Oskar Blues, Sierra Nevada, Angry Orchard, Terrapin, Sweetwater and more. The event also had local food trucks

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Blue Point Toasted Tour at Patriots Point in Charleston April 2016

Beer festivals are one of my favorite ways to sample beer. We purchased a Groupon good for 4 people and 4 beers to The Blue Point Toasted Tour. I had tried some of their beer at the Oyster Festival and was especially fond of their barleywine. So we invited our friends, John and Nancy, to

Nancy was the DD. Usually she loves gose and sour beers but they weren't offering those that day. She did have a few sips of the Toasted Lager. I call John "The Beer King" because he is the founder of The Second Friday Beer Club and he has a passion for beer. He is the major reason I started to enjoy IPA's. His" just try it" attitude while shoving it in my face made me realize that there are many different types of hops that flavor the many styles of beer out there. We've actually convinced him to brew with us. Lately he has been drinking vast quantities of tea. He requested that we brew a Chai Ginger with Cascade Candi Syrup that he won at our Low Country Libation's Competition. They donated a case to our charity event.We brewed a porter with the Bacon flavored one last year. That was so good!

You can write them and ask for advice and recipes for their products. They are
good people and very helpful!

One of the most creative festivals I've been to as far as marketing, they present you with a bingo card when you are entering. This helped to keep everybody moving around, held our interest and informed us of the different beers they were marketing. Besides for the beer tasting squares, two of the squares were to donate to a favorite charity which was our local non profit animal shelter,"Pet Helpers." They brought some of their pets for us to love on.

Other squares were Beer Geek Challenge, Hops Challenge, Beer Twister, Beer Pong, Jenga Challenge
and a Mini session where you were able to sample tasty dishes created by Chef Paula DaSilva. We tried the Spicy Shrimp and Grits with Toasted Lager. Nice job Chef!

They also had live bands. Fun event for an in bev product. Tasty beer too.

Beer Styles #1 Hefeweisen and Bock

My friend Laurie worked with me and she'd listen to me talk about beer a lot! One afternoon I was bragging about a barrel aged stout I bought and how great it was. She asked me what a stout was. As I described stout beer I thought "Styles" would be a great topic to blog about. What types of craft beers are there? So in my own way, I will try to explain some over the next several blogs.

Most of us grew up on Bud, Coors, Miller, Pabst Blue Ribbon and other 5% ABV (alcohol by volume) beer products.  My parents drank Genesee Cream Ale from New York State. If you are trying to convince someone to try craft beer, it's good to know what they are familiar with to start. A majority  of my female friends started out claiming they didn't like beer. Have a little patience. Don't start them or you out with IPA or Pale Ale. Go with low hopped beers. You can purchase beer by the 12 ounce bottle at most good beer stores so buy a six pack assortment. Even ask for help in selecting if you aren't sure what to get. Pour enough in your clear, clean glass for at least 4 good sips. Keep notes. Have fun.

In college, many years ago, I would drink just about any icy cold beer with my friends. But when I was home I really loved a darker beer called Spaten Doppelbock, This lightly hopped, malty. dark lager beer had a plastic goat around the neck. It is believed in ancient times  that bock beer was brewed in the winter months under Capricorn, the sign of the goat. As a student, if I could afford to buy a case of it a semester, I would savor each bottle. All lager beers are fermented at cooler temperatures than ales. Lager means to store so the ancient  brewer would store it, many times in a deep cellar or cave for months to let the yeast work it's magic. Some companies still do.There are so many different  kinds of bock beers. Go to a site like You can read the reviews from other tasters and see the rankings.

After my college days, I seldom drank beer. But then I went with my husband Tim to Germany for a few weeks about ten years ago. We stayed in Homberg in a beautiful, old hotel across the street from a tavern. This was my first trip abroad and I was excited to see and try everything! We met up with Tim's friends from work and they started ordering food and beer. They brought me a lemony hefeweisen that they brew themselves. I'm not sure there were any other beers on tap because this was all I drank. Served in tall glasses at around 55 or so degrees, it was like nothing I had ever tasted. In the German language, weisen is the word for wheat. So it's a wheat beer with hefe. Hefe means yeast. Usually this beer is unfiltered so it's on the cloudy side. It has a medium body, is lightly hopped and although I'm not sure, this particular beer's lemon flavor may have come from the yeast.

While traveling, we always went to a brewery with a restaurant. This was my introduction to great beer! Although Germany has some amazing beers, you can find great ones all over the world!
Craft breweries are popping up in the USA and offer a vast range of choices and specialties. Support your local breweries by stopping by and trying a flight or a pint!