Thursday, February 25, 2016

Low Country Libations Brew Club at Cooper River Brewery/Charleston, SC

This months Low Country Libation Brew Club met at the downtown Cooper River Brewery in Charleston.( See older blog for more info on this brewery) The main purpose of this organization is to teach and to learn how to brew excellent beer. I'm on the learning side most of the time. I know more than some but not as much as others. Our members bring small amounts of their beer to have it critiqued. We bring a tasting glass and we all have a sip of their offerings. Believe me, it's not always good. Sometimes it's flat and sometimes when you pop open the top, the foam flows out of the bottle like a volcano. There are some simple explanations for off flavors a lot of the time or lack of alcohol. Sometimes there are theories about how you may be able to make it better. But a lot of the time, the beer is really good. When you present the beer you brewed, you talk about how you made it. You will say whether it's an all grain recipe or you used an extract or you bought a kit. You describe the details involved in your brewing process and members ask you questions. The first time I talked about my beer, I was a nervous wreck. But they liked it and they were constructive on subsequent offerings. It keeps me coming back month after month. A select member usually gives a talk on a topic related to brewing so you learn a lot. It's also a non profit organization. We raise money for charities through raffles, dues and events so if you are in the area, let me know if you are interested in coming to a meeting as a home brewer. There are different brewing clubs all over the USA so  find one and get brewing. It's so rewarding!

I would like to give a shout out to Mark Fesche, the Head Brew Master at Cooper River Brewing. He took us on a quick tour of his fine brewery He has four, fifteen barrel fermenters  he keeps bubbling to bring you some really delicious Pale Ales, IPAs, Stouts and more. They broke out a cask while we were there featuring an Inaugural Pale Ale brewed with Simcoe and Citrus hops. Then he dry hopped it with whole leaf Chinook Hops. Stop by and try some!

Getting back to brew club, when I joined, there were no women attending meetings on a regular basis. Then in early 2015, Kristina Stoddard, a retired Naval Commander walked in with her husband Dan. This woman knows a thing or two about brewing. Like most of us, she started brewing with extracts. She made a notable fig beer at Christmastime I'd love to have the recipe for. She has brewed some really delicious and creative beers and she presents a new beer almost every time she attends the meetings. Then my friend Joy Munoz joined. She and I started playing with beer kits together. We love garage sales and we found some brewing equipment and a beer kit. We've come a long way!She recently brewed a really amazing Imperial Red IPA. It is a learning process but when you get it, it's the best feeling!

My newest" Woman Who Loves Beer" friend is a new member of our club, Sydney O'Brien who is a former Americorp volunteer who taught English at Burns Elementary. She recently brewed a saisson from an extract but loves a good hoppy IPA. She and her new husband Billy, a malty stout fan eloped in September and toasted  their nuptials by going to Funky Furbinfest at Oakroad Brewery in Summerville, SC. They figured that was a good way to celebrate.She just started brewing because she said she's always liked different beers and got her husband to start trying them. They have also made wine and then decided to try brewing.Welcome to LCL Sydney and Billy!

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